ALF and the Portuguese Economists' Order sign protocol to facilitate understanding of specialized financing
The Portuguese Association of Leasing, Factoring and Renting (ALF) and the Portuguese Economists Order signed this Monday, April 10th, a collaboration protocol for the development of financial literacy efforts. The initiative will lead to training and scientific activities, information exchange, and promotion of the economist's activity.
The protocol foresees the joint organization of conferences, seminars, symposiums, and free courses, among other events. With the goal of increasing knowledge about Specialized Financing, the partnership extends the validity of these actions to the Academy, extending the protocol's scope to those dedicated to researching the Portuguese economy in general. It also recognizes the importance of the economists' and managers' careers, with high implementation in the Specialized Financing sector. With a duration of four years, the agreement may be extended for an equal period.
"The production of academic knowledge around Leasing, Factoring and Renting is an asset for the development of these products, and a means of raising awareness of their importance in creating value for the Portuguese economy," explains Luís Augusto, president of ALF. "Considering that next year ALF will mark 40 years of existence, and that the Portuguese Economists' Order is celebrating 25 years of existence, the time seems especially appropriate for this agreement, signed for four years" says Luís Augusto.
"The protocol signed with ALF has as a main objective the generation and transmission of knowledge about Specialized Financing, an unavoidable area in the economic and financial dynamics of our business fabric. This initiative is of particular relevance to the Portuguese Economists' Order as it contributes to the development of financial literacy and to strengthening the skills of our members and of economic and business professionals in general" says António Mendonça, Chairman of the Portuguese Economists' Order.